Background P L U M A

In my name, which is apparently weak, eloquent fantasies unfold. The weight of herself shows her to be sensitive. No one can see at first glance the power she has. The one that once could write the most oppressed desires, the same one that covers bodies that spread wings.
Like a lodge of power, of freedom.
To fly and protect.
To make your skin crawl if it touches you.
To capture words and describe those thoughts, the most intimate ones, the ones you can't mention but you can write. The apparent weakness of it but the only one that portrays what your imagination is creating right now, as well as the Pen, able to capture that desire that runs through you is me.
Pluma always unique

  • 2004
  • 29
  • 31
  • 0


Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair blond hair, brown hair

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