Background MeowEnterprises

Im twenty eight years old, Green eyes. Natural Blonde hair. Prefer my hair to be red but it's so hard to keep up with and not kill your hair in the process! I'm super bubbly, outgoing, adventurous, spontaneous, and I am a complete people person. I care about the people that love me a lot, I think about others before myself and I do it often. Sometimes I can't help it. I'd rather someone else be taken care of before me. I would rather be the one suffering than to see someone else suffer. I'll go out of my way for you but if you fuck up that trust I'll give you one more chance and then after that we're done. Ive been hurt too often and too many times, more times than I can count to be giving away more than just a second chance. I've had a hard life but I'm still breathing. And that's what counts. Things have been rough, I've had 8 deaths in my family since May of 2019, The first being my mother and the most recent being my step dad. And yet I'm still the most positive person I know. 😘💋

  • 491
  • 118
  • 647
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Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair blond hair

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