Background Cosmic Karma

Hiya! 27 and here I am to show you the stars. I do tarot readings, so if you want one we can talk. I enjoy d&d; Currently a dm in my campaign and a five year player in another campaign. Currently practicing to become a tattoo artist. Progress everyday! You like food, oh boy Mama's gotcha there. Come here and let Cosmic Mama cook for you. The dishes are magical! Are you a cat person? Well do i have the cutie for you! His name is Beast Boy (B.B.) and he is a butt, but the cutest choncker. So come on by and let Cosmic Mama take care of you!

  • 348
  • 238
  • 212
  • 19


Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair blond hair, long hair, brown hair

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