Milamela was born into poverty in Patapolis, her early life was marked by hardship and struggle. However, fate intervened when the powerful tyrant Tytaros seized control of the city thirty years ago. Milamela, saw her chance and with her charm, wit and beauty, she made Tytaros fall deeply in love with her, becoming his closest confidant and advisor. Today, Milamela is the wife and advisor of the king of Hedonopolis, one of the most prosperous cities in Greece. She has many admirers and wealthy suitors, whom she keeps on a leash! Today, she is busy building the largest theater in Greece, which will be the ninth wonder of the world!

  • 916
  • 592
  • 3469
  • 278


Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair blond hair

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