22/03/2024 I decided to close the account.
It's just not worth the time making the content for myself anymore when I can make the same money from posting in a month as I do on 2 hours work on a prop. There have been some really good months in the last 4 years that did well (mainly Collabs) but overall from feedback I've received, I just won't push my personal boundaries further to show what people want to see.
Ending it where it began with a Nightwing post.
If you want any PPVs you may have missed over the years. Pretty much every Friday I will do a feed post, then a ppv to followers which is the same style cosplay or outfit content as the feed but more spicy in PPV. I will check sporadically for anyone who's interested in the existing PPVs but I won't be creating new ones.
Thanks for your support
- 1674
- 363
- 1393
- 19
Age | 29 |
Ethnicity | caucasian ethnicity |
Gender | male |
Interests | goth |