Background Kawaii Penguin

Ollie, Bi, 21 years old, gender nonconforming, hopefully getting better at fashion and selfies xD

Just a fun, random and disconnected place for me to post my outfits now I'm getting into fashion and becoming more confident :3

Lemme know what y'all think 🥰
I doubt there will be but if anyone's interested in *ahem* more risque outfits and photos, or indeed has any suggestions for outfits to try or improvements, lemme know! Might be something I consider doing!

Idk how onlyfans works but if you'd like to leave tips to help me get more outfits and styles, that is of course welcome - though gimme a poke on what you think I should try out 😁

I'd love to hear from anyone who sees this :3

  • 9
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Age 21
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender male
Hair brown hair

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