Background Kinky Carlos

Mixed race Arab and Latino with a passion to be appreciated and give back to my wonderful loyal fans and followers. This is about breaking Stereotypes, requesting for pictures and videos of whatever you desire minus the face for security and privacy reasons and not be shy about it.... You have the power and a personal right to request what you wish and not be told by anyone that its not right or feel ashamed about it.

My content is going to be exclusive, special, fulfil what you desire and certainly not for the cheap stingy hearted. My secret libraries content is for those who have certain fetishism which include:

- Hands
- Arms
- Feet
- legs
- Chest

Each pic or vid will vary in its exclusivity and cost.

We all live busy lives and we all deserve to be happy, desired, fulfil our desires and not have an amazing passionate time when doing it.

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Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Action lick my ass
Body elements big ass, feet, hands
Kinks & Sexual Fetishes fetish

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