Background Stephen

Subscription will always be free and consists of posts about philosophy, law, and my artwork.

I am a legal scholar [note, I am not a "lawyer"] who litigates as a pro se litigant. [Basically I am a non-paid "legal advocate" fighting for civil rights; while being a caretaker for my grandfather.]

Fierce political and legal advocate for:
Sex Worker Rights|BDSM|LGBTIQ|Feminism|Civil Rights|Disability Rights|Human Rights

Current work involves litigating for the following issues: (1) Antitrust violations which prevent the practice of law and formation of business partnerships with lawyers; (2) fighting for US human right standards; (3) monetary compensation for loss of income due to my legal AI / e-discovery software development; and (4) remedies related to being psychologically harmed to the point of developing Complex PTSD in law school.

Painting|Wood Carving|Photography|Harry Potter|CoD|Tennis

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Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair brown hair

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