Background LittleLambandLion

Hai! ^_^ If you're new to my page, let me say WELCOME! My name's Link and I am a content creator who loves to celebrate the art of photography using my body as a canvas. The human body should be celebrated in all forms and being able to be a part of that celebration brings me so much joy! <3 I am so excited to be going on this journey with you. Feel free to DM me any comments, questions, or any topics you want to hear about or see. I also do custom content, you know that I love to hear from you!

I am looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you, and for some of you in my higher tiers, through one-on-one's! I will have a new post weekly and I am excited to share my art and encourage body positivity for all. Get ready for sneak peeks and behind the scenes, outfit choices, and more! Let's remember to love and accept ourselves as we are and thank you to everyone who is here. I appreciate and love you more than you know!!

See you soon ;-P

  • 1432
  • 145
  • 109
  • 27


Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair blond hair, long hair, brown hair

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