Background Naughty Mikayla

Hello! I'm a 5'1” petite Aussie Country girl. Looking to have some fun and enjoy some fun conversations. I tend to add humor to things so you'll probably see some of that in our convos if I feel comfortable enough with you. Don't be shy and say hi! 😊

I consider myself to be a nice person and the truth is, I aim to please. I will always be nice when chatting but do NOT push my boundaries. Do NOT question my personal preferences and try to push me into doing something I don't feel comfortable doing. I will not tolerate it and I WILL block you if you try it.

⚠️⚠️ Please keep anything I send you to yourself. Do not share with other people or post on other websites. I do not give permission to anyone to use my photos, my listings, my posts, or any other part of my profile in any articles, papers, reports, videos, blog posts, etc. ⚠️⚠️

  • 4752
  • 162
  • 261
  • 17


Age 23
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair long hair, brown hair
Type girl
Body Type petite, small

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