Background Mrspersphone999

I like master-bating in a hot bath, I also like trying to succ my mans soul.... I love watching him play with hisself & if my toes real cute i like jaccing him off with my feet.. I promise you it takes skill to give a good hand job 🖐. I like taking so many pictures cause it makes me feel less insecure about myself. And during the summer I like taking my shoes off getting my toes/feet dirty then taking pics of them. I also love when my big daddy spanks me even though he’s a passionate lover I still like him to treat badly in bed sometime

  • 1903
  • 376
  • 880
  • 175


Cup size Cup D
Age 28
Breast 32-33 in / 82-85 cm
Gender female
Hair length 14 in / 35cm
Height 170cm to 172cm
Hips 38-39 in / 96-99 cm
Languages English
Pubic hair Brazilian / bare
Waist 29-30 in \ 74-77 cm
Weight 76kg to 78kg

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