Background One Naughty Nurse, at Your Service!
One Naughty Nurse, at Your Service!

One Naughty Nurse, at Your Service!


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Nude or feet photos $2/each
-Video with tits only $10
-Video of me masturbating $10
-Video of me being fucked $15

Cock rating
-written $5
-audio $7
-video $10

-Sexting (full attention, quick response, pics/clips included) $1/ minute
-Video chat $5/minute paid in advance
(May add time if needed)
-Panties worn for 24 hours $25 ($10/additional day wear)
-any customization may be an extra charge

Writing on my body: $5 per word/name and an additional $10 to watch me write it.

Gf experience is $50/day with good morning and good night texts, 30 minutes sexting, unlimited texting throughout the day.

  • 632
  • 102
  • 101
  • 45


Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair blond hair, brown hair

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