Sou Psicanalista e Terapeuta Comportamental
Aqui, nossas conversas serão sobre comportamento humano, pensamentos e desejos.
Tenho fascínio pela mente humana e gosto de saber tudo o que se passa pela sua mente, incluindo os fetiches. 🌶️
. sem conteúdo explícito.
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I am a Psychoanalyst and Behavioral Therapist
Here, our conversations will be about human behavior, thoughts and desires.
I'm fascinated by the human mind and I like to know everything that goes through your mind, including fetishes.
📸 🎥Here is a lot of exclusive content for subscribers!
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Age | 28 |
Ethnicity | caucasian ethnicity |
Gender | female |
Hair | long hair, brown hair, black hair |