Background Raven

29, MILF
People still like mouthy women right? I sure as hell hope so.
If you really want to catch my attention go check out my Amazon wishlist and buy me a present 😘
I take custom requests 🤫
No point in sugar coating anything right?
Don’t be terrible creepy and we will get along fine.
Its VERY rare that I see any followers in person, it’s unlikely to ever happen, but not impossible. That would require a bit of effort and money on your end though.
I usually have fun doing this, but ultimately I am here to make money. You won’t get free shit from me while I get little to nothing in return. I do freebies when I feel like it, but it’s not guaranteed and shouldn’t be expected here. Don’t act confused either.
You’ll get much more sweetness and effort from me if you send $ directly to one of my other apps like venmo😘

  • 171
  • 41
  • 51
  • 8


Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Profession housewife

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