Background MISSJZX

Plus size Queen πŸ‘‘ Hubby 🌢
Powerlifter / Gym Rat πŸ’ͺ🏻
Cars / Truckie πŸš›
Tattoos πŸ•Έβ˜ οΈ
Boudoir, Erotica, Explicit Content

Top 9.7% of creators πŸ˜‰ use the code Krystal10 for a discount on your sex toys πŸ˜πŸ†πŸ’¦

Every new sub gets a thank you πŸ’•

Come have a chat with me πŸ‘πŸ» DM for requests, sent in 24hrs, nothing is off the cards 😏
Dick Rates
Solo / Together
Wear a G-string at the gym and send that bad boy to you? ABSOLUTELY πŸ’¦

I know subscribing costs you about the same amount as lunch… but I promise you this snack aint bad either πŸ”₯πŸ”

  • 2442
  • 84
  • 63
  • 9


Age 0

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