Background Vale Hertz

Hello, I'm Valerie if you want to get to know me more deeply you can opt for one of the following packages, just send me a message


✏ $9.99 The Simple one:
💦6 photos in total (You can choose between Horny Valerie or Shy Valerie)
💦2 photos with casual clothes
💦2 photos in underwear
💦2 suggestive photos

✏ $15.99 The Special One:
💦6 photos and two videos (3 photos and 1 video of Horny Valerie and 3 photos and 1 video of Shy Valerie)
💦2 photos with casual clothes
💦2 photos in underwear
💦2 suggestive photos
💦2 videos (you can choose between a video where my boobs or ass are suggestively shown)

✏ 20.99 The big one
💦 8 photos and 2 videos (they can be the 8 photos of Horny Valerie or Shy Valerie or if you want combined)
💦 2 photos with casual clothes
💦 2 photos in underwear
💦 2 suggestive photos
💦 2 fully nud* photos
💦 2 videos (you can choose between a video where my boobs or ass are suggestively shown)

✏ $29.99 Deluxe
💦 10 customizable photos and two customizable videos

  • 0
  • 12
  • 18
  • 2


Age 0
Gender female

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