Background Fiona Harris

I am Fiona and I can make your wet dreams come true 👩🏼‍💻💭💥

don’t be shy I know exactly what you’re fantasizing about ;)))

if you’re as open to adventures as i am, this is my playground for all my fantasies. dare to message me?

I spend most of the day at the desk as well bc I’m still at my 9-5, but I just realized that it’s hard for us who are little naughtier and we need to vent somewhere right😛😛 so here is the perfect spot if you…

want me to show you how good I can listen to your demands😉


what happens in the printer room when no one is printing 🖨️🤠

come on hop in and let’s get talking 😛😘

  • 27195
  • 47
  • 50
  • 10


Age 0
Ethnicity caucasian ethnicity
Gender female
Hair blond hair, long hair

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